September 2019 recap

Hi again! After a long time without any updates, I’ve decided to periodically summarise my academic activities from now on, starting with what I did during the first month of this academic year. So, there we go!
Continue reading September 2019 recap

My first cosupervised PhD Thesis: María Martín

With María Martín, Federico Pallardó and Inmaculada Maestu. [València. 8th Feb, 2016]
With María Martín, Federico Pallardó and Inmaculada Maestu. [València. 8th Feb, 2016]
Today, it has been a very special day. My first cosupervised PhD student (and, above all, friend), María Martín Ureste, defended her PhD Thesis in the Faculty of Medicine and Odontology of the Universitat de València.

Continue reading My first cosupervised PhD Thesis: María Martín