November–December 2019 recap

So… the year is ending! 🎆

During the end of 2019, I was part of a PhD committee for the first time.

PhD Thesis committee member: Jaime Mosquera Restrepo

Cover of Jaime Mosquera’s PhD dissertation.

On 8th November, I was part of Jaime Mosquera’s PhD committee. Jaime Mosquera is a faculty member of the Universidad del Valle, Colombia. He was enrolled in the ‘Statistics and Optimisation’ PhD program of the UPV. This was my first time as a PhD Thesis committee member.

The title of the dissertation was: “Control estadístico de variables cuantitativas mediante inspección por atributos apoyada en el diseño de galgas con dimensiones óptimas” [“Statistical monitoring of continuous variables by attribute inspection based on the optimal design of gauge dimensions”]. Jaime was advised by Prof. Francisco Aparisi, from UPV.

It was a pleasure to be a member of the committee. The dissertation was very well written and well defended by Jaime. He got the highest grade, Excellent Cum Laude.

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Associate Prof. at the Dep. of Statistics, OR and Quality of the UPV, Spain. Interested in Optimization in Quality Control and Clinical Biostatistics.