Cosupervised Bachelor Final Project: Azahara Benlloch

Today, one of my students from the School of Industrial Engineering, Azahara Benlloch, defended her TFG (Bachelor Final Project). It was supervised by Prof. Andrés Carrión and me.

The title of the project is “Proyecto de estandarización y mejora del proceso de producción de componentes intermedios en una fábrica de colchones” (“Improvement project to standardise the manufacturing process of intermediate parts in a mattress factory”) and it has been carried out as a result of Azahara’s internship at Hilding Anders Spain, a company in the bedding sector.

Azahara’s hard work has been valued by the final project board with a grade of 9 out of 10. Congrats, Azahara!! 👏👏

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Associate Prof. at the Dep. of Statistics, OR and Quality of the UPV, Spain. Interested in Optimization in Quality Control and Clinical Biostatistics.