September 2019 recap

Hi again! After a long time without any updates, I’ve decided to periodically summarise my academic activities from now on, starting with what I did during the first month of this academic year. So, there we go!

XXXVIII Spanish Conference on Statistics and Operational Research, and XII Conference on Public Statistics (SEIO 2019)

SEIO 2019 Alcoi
Logo for the SEIO 2019 conference.

From 3rd to 6th September 2019, I attended SEIO 2019, which is the most important national conference on Statistics and Operational Research in Spain. It took place in Alcoi (Alacant).

I presented the work “An EWMA control chart for the multivariate coefficient of variation”, coauthored by Prof. Philippe Castagliola, from the Université de Nantes. The book of abstracts can be freely downloaded.

Presenting my work at SEIO 2019. [Alcoi. 5th September, 2019]
I was also a member of the organising committee. I was in charge of the social networks for the conference: FB | TW | IG.

It was a nice experience, and I enjoyed a lot the conference and the city, as well as meeting old and new colleagues.

Here you can see some of my tweets during the conference:

Cosupervised Master’s Thesis: Mauricio Suárez

On 23rd September, Mauricio Suárez defended his Master’s Thesis, entitled “Gráficos de control para el coeficiente de variación multivariante: estado actual y análisis comparativo” (“Control charts for the multivariate coefficient of variation: state of the art and comparative analysis”), within the Master’s programme in Data Analysis, Process Improvement and Decision Support Engineering.

I cosupervised this Master’s Thesis together with Prof. Philippe Castagliola, from the Université de Nantes.

Mauricio obtained a grade of 8.5 out of 10 in his dissertation. Congrats!!

Also, in my Twitter timeline:

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Associate Prof. at the Dep. of Statistics, OR and Quality of the UPV, Spain. Interested in Optimization in Quality Control and Clinical Biostatistics.