Hello, World!

So… This is the first post. Hello, World!

It is not the first time I’ve written a blog, but this is my very first attempt to maintain an academic/professional one. Here, I will be sharing different (hopefully interesting) stuff dealing with my teaching and research activity. The initial idea is to create a relatively dynamic and rich website, both as an opposite and a complement to my academic website (vigibos.webs.upv.es), which is more static and provides a basic and clean overview of my academic profile.

It certainly takes time and effort to create and maintain such a project. Let’s just see what happens. I think it is a worthy way to give more visibility to my academic activity.

Why a blog?
Why a blog?

Why a blog? It seems more like a 90’s thing, doesn’t it? Wouldn’t something more social-focused like a Facebook account have been better? Well, I think a blog allows for more flexibility, creativity and… yes, there is a sort of hand-crafted and classical flavour that I like.  🙂  Besides, nowadays it is possible to send blog update alerts to one’s social network profiles in an easy way, so that everything remains connected and visibility is eventually ensured.

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Associate Prof. at the Dep. of Statistics, OR and Quality of the UPV, Spain. Interested in Optimization in Quality Control and Clinical Biostatistics.

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